Middle Manager

DIFCIA Knowledge Hub
Patrick Jones - Course author

Middle Manager

DIFCIA Knowledge Hub

Traditionally, middle managers comprise the most extensive managerial layer in an organisation. The Middle Manager is responsible to those above them and those below them. They head a variety of departments and projects. For a company to operate smoothly, those in middle management must be committed to the organisation's goals and understand how to execute these goals effectively. 

Businesses must focus on these essential managers and provide them with opportunities to succeed. No matter the organisation's structure or size, it will benefit from employing well-trained middle managers. Having a middle manager understand their role in the organisation is very important. They are in communication with a substantial percentage of the company and will significantly impact the organisation.

What's included?

  • 10 Modules
  • Course Level: Advanced
  • 10 Knowledge Checks
  • Final Assessment 
  • 1 Certificate of Completion
  • Course Duration: 5 hours

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